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At what point will Outsider be considered to be in-production? The writing is considered to be pre-production, right? I know you are now recording the voices. Is that part of the production phase?
It depends how you're defining your terms. Broadly speaking, Young Justice: Outsiders is in production and has been for over a year.
But if you're going to divide the broad term "Producton" into it's three main components, i.e. Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production, then:
Writing, voice recording, storyboard, design, direction are all elements of pre-production, and are all done here in Burbank.
Overseas animation is the actual production, done in Seoul, South Korea.
Editing, retakes, music, sound effects, visual effects, foley, sound mixing and on-lining are all elements of Post, which is also done here in Burbank.
Young Justice: Outsiders is very deep into Pre-Production, and pretty darn deep into Production, and beyond the shallow end in Post-Production, as well.
In any case, we're still right on schedule.
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