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Nick writes...

Blown away by this episode, Greg! Great job!

1. How old is Cullen Row?
2. How old is Unnamed-Meta-Teen-A41?
3. How old is Gabrielle Dau's mother?
4. How old is Gabrielle Dau's cousin?

Greg responds...


1. Cullen is 13.

2. Delphis is 19.

3. Madia Daou is 35.

4. Samad Daou is 20.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Jon writes...

Hey! So what was that spell Zatanna used to transport Klarion to the Tower of Fate? As in, the non-reversed form of the words? I couldn't catch it.

Greg responds...

"Rehtaf, ediug ym yenruoj hguorht S’etaf Yloh Hkna!"

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Sam writes...

How old is Lia Briggs?

Greg responds...

At the end of Team Year Eight, Lia is 16.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Nick writes...

After Season 2 was over, you confirmed that the designations 27 and 28 were assigned shortly after the season came to a close. We know that there are well over 28 Leaguers by the time we pick up with Season 3, so...

1. Are the characters you intended to give those designations to in 2013 the ones who did end up getting them when you revisited the series canon for Season 3?

If so, 2. Were you always planning for Kaldur to join the Justice League shortly after Season 2 concluded?

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. Yep.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Daria writes...

Hello Greg!

I wanted to ask a couple questions!

1) Why did Zatanna choose Artemis as the person to go with her to see her father?
2) How long has Zatanna been in her magician career and weill we ever see it on screen?

Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. They're close friends.

2. Since before her dad became Doctor Fate.

2a. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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kevin writes...

this isn't a question but in nightmare monkeys when gar ask the monkey god why he sound like wally he should of said im no therapist but if i have to guess you never head me talk and you mind came up with a person that you close to

Greg responds...

That's as good an interpretation as any.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Emily The Disney Fan writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman! I now have a question about Hunter/Robyn Canmore if You Don't Mind!

While Robyn is out with the Redemption Squad, What Exactly Is Her Known Public Statis?

Do the Authorities Think She's Out on Parole?
Do they Think she Escaped and skipped the Country?
Or Do They and the Public Think that Robyn's Still in Jail?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Nick writes...

Hi, Greg. Hope you’re well.

Because of some of the issues surrounding the Captain Marvel name, we know that Billy Batson’s alter ego has had to be credited as Shazam in the later seasons, despite being Captain Marvel on Earth-16. Do these name issues affect your ability to be able to use Lieutenant and Sergeant Marvel on Young Justice? Do you purposely stray from the Marvel family so as not to upset pre-established canon?

Greg responds...

The word "Marvel" is currently off-limits to us. This definitely threw us for a loop in Season Three, but we think we've since come up with a rationalization for Cap's name change. So whatever plans we have/had may proceed.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I always admired YJ for its diversity and was very excited to see a character like Halo, someone who's close to my ethnic background, represented.

But I have been utterly disappointed. More than that, I'm disgusted.

The way you guys have graphically killed her several times on screen is appalling. Yes, I realize she comes back, but to see a WOC go through such violent trauma again and again is damaging to audiences - particularly those who are like her. It is a common trope to violently traumatize and kill women and POC in comics and I thought YJ would be above that. Apparently not.

And then to find out that the actual Arab girl has really been dead since episode 1 and she's nothing but an empty husk for the motherbox...so she's not actual representation at all. She's not a real person.

I was one of the fans who rallied for YJ to return for years and now I will never support this show again. This honestly broke my heart a little.

Glad you got to feel progressive for using a woman in a hijab. I'm sure you're patting yourself on the back for it and won't actually care how people of that background feel.

Greg responds...

I'm truly sorry that the character doesn't work for you.

I wish you'd continue to give us a chance throughout the end of Season Three and into Season Four. By July 24th, 2019, Halo's story was far from over. We probably did overdo it on the violent deaths. But the long-term plan was to show a girl (of color) who went from being a victim to a hero. I think we ultimately succeeded in that, but if it didn't/doesn't work for you, I understand.

As for Gabrielle being dead... well, that was built into the character Halo that we adapted.

But again, her story isn't over. And her hijab wasn't an arbitrary or cynical choice. In fact, the only thing in your post that seems unfair to me is your presumption that we were patting ourselves on the back in some cynical manner. We do care. We may fail. But that doesn't mean we're not trying. We've been working with the Muslim Public Affairs Council on Halo's character and others. They seem pretty happy with where we're taking the character long term. Maybe we didn't get there fast enough for you. But, again, I'd love for you to give us and Halo a second chance.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Kate writes...

In young justice outsiders episode 19 it is said that beast boy is a emancipation minor . Why did his stepdad Steve Dayton let Garfield become a emancipation minor ?

Greg responds...

Gar sued to become an emancipated minor. We don't know whether or not Dayton fought him on this, but if he did, he clearly lost the case.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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