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Michael Broder writes...

When did Artemis and Wally get Brucely?
How did Lucas Carr become associated with the Team?
Why is Scarab incompatible with boom tubes and Apokoliptan tech?
How did Jim learn he was a clone?
What did Superboy mean when he said he could "relate" to Appellaxian husk wanting to "end its pain?"
How is Icon familiar with intergalactic law?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Four

2. Lucas was already associated with the League. If you're asking me to tell the story of how he specifically became involved with members of the Team in their super-hero capacity, that's not what ASK GREG is for. No spoilers.

3. Reach tech and Apokoliptan tech aren't compatible. Like American hairdryers and European electrical outlets.

4. Again, I'm not going to tell a story here.

5. Beyond the obvious that none of ever ask to be born, I'll leave that to your interpretation.

6. He's an alien and a lawyer. Do the math.

Response recorded on March 14, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

I could've sworn I had asked this question before, but I can't find it in the archives, sooo....

Lian originally made-up the name "Auntie Mouse", her nickname for Artemis, because as an infant she couldn't pronounce Artemis correctly, right? Was that your idea?

Greg responds...

Yes and no. "Mouse" was also Lian's mother's nickname for Artemis. (As in, Jade was the cat, and Artemis was the mouse.) So I'm sure Lian heard her mother - before Jade left - refer to Artemis as Mouse on occasion. This sunk in and in her mind, the name "Artemis" became Auntie Mouse.

All things are true.

Response recorded on March 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Does the Term Princes All the first episode of season 3 happen to be some kind of literary reference because I always found this phrasing a little unusual, so does this term have some deeper significance or was it just an arbitrary choice.

Greg responds...

It is a literary reference I suppose. It certainly wasn't arbitrary. But the phrase, "They were Princes all." is fairly common.

Response recorded on March 11, 2022

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Zman writes...

1. Was Nightwing aware of the fact that M'gann was putting people in a catatonic state before Conner told him she fried Kaldur's brain? Or was he oblivious to it.

Greg responds...

1. Largely oblivious. To be clear, it's not like she was doing it often.

Response recorded on March 11, 2022

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Liam writes...

1: Were mammoth and shimmer recruited to the kobra cult because they were twins? Or was that just a out of universe decision on your part due to kobra connection to twins?
2: How does Shimmer feel about mammoth transformation?
3: How long were they members of the cult?
3b: Did they leave the cult over his transformation or did they remain members?
4: How long has the current incarnation of suicide squad been operating?
4b: Is it the first incarnation of tast force x?
5: Was rick flag jr's father a member of the original task force x/suicide squad?

Greg responds...

1. I might say neither. Or both. But the question seems to be taking something for granted from the comics, and thus the premise of the question is problematic, as we don't promise that in YJ.

2. She seems fine with it.

3. They joined in 2009.

3b. They didn't leave over his transformation, but they did leave.

4. No spoilers.

4b. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

So that's seven questions. The fact that you're using the 3 and 3b trick doesn't actually fool me. Let's keep it to five questions per post max, please, as per the rules. Your Mammoth & Shimmer questions and your Suicide Squad questions should have been on two separate posts. We've been loose with the rules recently. But given the length of the queue, if this keeps up, I'm going to instruct our moderator to enforce them more religiously.

Response recorded on March 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

When were Ra's and Sensei deposed by Deathstroke and Lady Shiva?

Greg responds...

They weren't deposed. Ra's decided to take a different approach. He resigned from the Light and decided to place the League of Shadows under the Light's purview. The Light chose Deathstroke and Shiva to run things.

Response recorded on March 10, 2022

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Paul writes...

Is there a Zeta tube on Themiscyra?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on March 10, 2022

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Paul writes...

It looks as though the version of "Drop-Zone" that has the incorrect timestamps is the one on HBO Max. Do you think that HBO Max will replace it with the correct version if asked to do so? I wonder if it might takes the fans and the creators (both asking HBO Max) to make that happen.

Greg responds...

Uh... crap.

Can't hurt to ask. I'll try at my end.

Response recorded on March 10, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

I had a question about Red Tornado in S1E19 (Misplaced). What was it about Red Tornado that made him end up in the adult version of the world? Does the spell work so that beings irrespective of biology >18 earth years end up in the adult world?

Additionally, was the spell localized to just earth?

(Thank you for all your work! LOVING Phantoms by the way)

Greg responds...

1. He perceived himself as an adult over the age of 18.

2. As far as I know.

Response recorded on March 10, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1) When did Wesley Dodds become Sandman?

2) When did Al Pratt become the Atom?

3) When did Rex Tyler become Hourman?

4) When did Charles McNider become Doctor Mid-Nite?

5) When did the Dragon King become a supervillain?

Greg responds...

1. 1939.

2. 1940.

3. 1940.

4. 1941.

5. 1936.

Response recorded on March 10, 2022

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