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How much, if anything, would you be willing to share about the plot and characters of your proposed series "The Trickster"?
Decided to rewatch the making-of video for the Rain of the Ghosts audio play.
Around the :38 seconds mark, you mention you were developing "another series" set in New Orleans prior to fully developing Rain.
1. Was this series one of the other Dreamworks projects (Madison & MON-ro, Treasure Hunters Inc., etc?) or was it developed on spec without any studio affiliation?
2. If the former, would you be willing to divulge which of these series was set in New Orleans?
1. I developed this right in between my tenures at Disney and DreamWorks. So I own it. I've tried more than once to sell it over the years. But no luck, so far.
2. It was called "The Trickster".
Hello Greg. This is a Gargoyle-related question. I checked and I don't think this question was answered, so here goes:
In "The Gathering Part I" at the beginning, the Weird Sisters don't seem to like Puck very much. The Raven-haired one (Seline) notes with a great deal of contempt that Puck is not at The Gathering, and then offers to hunt him down for Oberon. So I am wondering, did Puck do something in particular to piss the sisters off?
He's probably a bit too much of a Trickster for their tastes.
Hey Greg,
Just wanted to both thank you for the sheer awesomeness of Spectacular Spider-Man, which I think is both the best Spidey cartoon ever and your own best work (not that I don't love Gargoyles, mind you), and ask a couple (non Season 3 related, I can assure you) questions:
1. In "Gangland", what recording of Rigoletto did you use?
2. There are a couple moments in the series where the Green Goblin seems to break the fourth wall: in "The Uncertainty Principle" when he turns to the camera and says, "Anyone else getting deja vu? Oh well, let's run with it!" and in "Opening Night" when he looks up at the camera and says, "I'm in a rhyming mood tonight." Were these meant to have any larger significance or were they just fun breaking-the-fourth-wall jokes?
Thanks again!
1. The one provided by Sony, because they had the rights to use it.
2. Mostly they're just fun, but it's also being done to show what a Trickster the Goblin is.
Do the tricksters get along with each other? Do they like to commit shenanigans together during Gatherings, or do they have different dynamics between each other?
Any two individuals have a unique dynamic.
Just a comment on an archetype that seems to be a theme in your shows. I can't help but notice that the series you produce are populated by tricksters.
Puck is an obvious and classic example, the original trickster. Also, "Gargoyles" has Raven, Anansi, and Coyote who were also literal tricksters.
Beyond that, one of the lead villains, Xanatos, was a trickster... he even said so himself. That's an interesting choice of archetypes for the primary antagonist.
Thailog, while you've cited the bastard archetype often enough, outside of that, he seems like a trickster as well. Which makes sense since he was programmed by one. Granted, he's a more malevolent trickster than Xanatos, but he still displays those characteristics.
Meanwhile, over in in "Spectacular," you have Spider-Man as, perhaps, the most benevolent trickster you have yet to write. Fitting, he is the hero after all, and the people he acts like a trickster towards usually have it coming.
And, of course, you have a more sinister trickster in Green Goblin, hie arch-nemesis.
I know from personal experience how difficult tricksters can be to write, as I've often had to jump through hoops to do it right,
I haven't seen WITCH so I have no idea if this archetype shows up there or not. But it seems to me like the trickster archetype is a favorite of yours to write, and you do it so well.
So, does it just come naturally? Is Greg Weisman a trickster himself, or do you ever find yourself jumping through hoops as I sometimes do to create schemes worthy of the trickster you're writing?
There's some definite hoop-jumping going on. Personally, I'm more of a bastard than a trickster. But I do enjoy both archetypes, so I do the work to make them worthy.
You'll notice, however, that each of the tricksters you named, with the exception of Xanatos, were based on existing sources, which helps. As for Xanatos, he was a variation on General Eiling (from Captain Atom), who was more of a bastard. And Eiling, in turn, was loosely based on Captain Kirk, or rather a dark mirror of Kirk (and, no, that's not a reference to the "Mirror, Mirror," as the Mirror Kirk in that episode couldn't fool anyone).
Thailog is more in the classic bastard mode than the trickster mode -- at least in my mind -- though I'll admit there's definite overlap between the two archetypes.
With issue six, we finally got to read one of your Untold Tales for Gargoyles. Some others that I've heard about on Ask Greg:
1. You never gave a title, but this was set in New York during The Avalon World Tour. You mentioned that this story had Xanatos taking advantage of Goliath's absence.
2. Hobgoblins Of Little Minds.
3. The Weird Macbeth.
4. Arthur's adventure between Avalon Part Three and Pendragon.
5. The Multitrickster story.
Aside from those five, are there any other stories that you planned for the first two season, but never got to? Not asking for spoilers, just a yes or a no. I'll understand if you don't want to answer though.
Well, saying I "planned them for the first two seasons" isn't really accurate for ANY of the above, including 3 and 5, which we considered doing in season two. But I have other stories from that era like 1 and 4 that I can/will tell some day. But 2, 3 and 5 haven't happenned yet in the continuity.
Hey! I was reading about how you had wanted to do an entire episode on the tricksters from the Gargoyle's universe that we'd been introduced to. I really like this idea and am really sorry it was never done when the show was on television. I was wondering if you still planned on doing that episode in comic book form? (I'm sure that some form of that idea is in your timeline somewhere; what I mean is that if it will be in the comic books, will it be sooner or later on in the series). I also remember reading that you thought about taking Anansi out of the episode. Is that still your plan? I think it would be a lot more interesting if he was in there too, but it's not my story, it's yours. Here's hoping I get to read this story in comic book form one day.
Thank you for your time and all that you do.
I plan on doing everything eventually. I'm not going to reveal much more at this time.
This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....
June 18th...
Hardicanute, the son of Canute and Emma, succeeds to the throne of England, replacing his late half-brother Harold Harefoot.
The Mazas attempt to inform the Tribal Police about the soil carving but are again confronted by the Trickster - who is quickly captured by Coyote 4.0. The gargoyles attempt to rescue the Trickster, but it is Peter who fools Coyote 4.0 into releasing his namesake. The Trickster then tricks the robot into destroying itself. Xanatos is forced to flee. That morning, Peter visits the grave of his father Carlos. That evening, the four travelers again return to Avalon and immediately turn around and depart again to avoid the imminent Avalonian sunrise.
This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....
June 17th...
Peter and Beth make bail in the morning and return to Beth's apartment, where they find Elisa waiting. That evening, the gargoyles awaken and are introduced to Elisa's family. Together the Mazas and the gargoyles again attempt to find out what Xanatos is up to. Goliath and Angela discover the soil carving but are captured by Coyote 4.0. Xanatos prepares to destroy the two gargoyles and the soil carving as bait to lure the Trickster. Meanwhile, Bronx and the Mazas capture the mysterious security guard, who turns out to be the Trickster himself. He has taken on the appearance of the young Peter Maza, with whom Coyote once formed a bond during a kachina dance. Bronx and the Mazas rescue Goliath and Angela (with a little help from Coyote).
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