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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 209: "Darkest": Premieres!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 209: "Darkest": Premieres!

This is a big one. Our latest NEW episode airs this Saturday and Sunday morning (October 6 & 7, 2012) on Cartoon Network's DC NATION BLOCK. It's called "Darkest", and it is. It REALLY is.

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That's right. YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION is back with new episodes, starting this Saturday and Sunday mornings (the 29th and 30th) on Cartoon Network's DC NATION block. (Check local listings.) Our first episode out of the gate is called "Satisfaction". It deals with some of the ramifications of Artemis' "death" and reintroduces the original Speedy. This one really turned out great. And we're very excited about being back on the air with new episodes.

Also tomorrow: the 18th Anniversary of the World Premiere of GARGOYLES. (Fun fact.)

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SEASON ONE of YOUNG JUSTICE has all aired multiple times by now.

*Episodes 201-207 have already aired. 207 airs again this weekend, and then new episodes begin airing on Saturday morning September 29th as part of Cartoon Network's DC Nation block.
*Episodes 208-218 are all in the can. Finished. Done. Ready to air.
*Episode 219 is back here in Burbank, and we'll be calling retakes and locking picture this week.
*Episode 220 is due in from Moi late this week. That's right; we're really in the homestretch on Season Two now.

*Issues #0-19 have all hit the stands and are available at comic shops or online.
*Issue #20 hits the stands this week. It's the start of a six-part story that is BIG. REALLY BIG. It updates the book, bringing in our Season Two cast, and is set one month prior to the start of Season Two with flashbacks to a couple untold - or only hinted at - tales from the Season One era, plus, by the end of the six-parter, a little story from immediately after Season One. Christopher Jones is just doing some stellar work on the book. And I'm pretty proud of the story and script, if I do say so myself.
*Issue #21 is being colored by Zac Atkinson as we speak.
*Issue #22 is being pencilled by Chris.
*Issues #23 & #24 are both fully scripted and waiting.
*Issue #25 is plotted. I'll be starting on the script tonight.
As always, you don't have to read the comic to enjoy the t.v. series or vice versa. But you get more out of BOTH if you watch/read both.

Young Justice Legacy seems to be proceeding apace. I've done a bit of polishing on some of the dialogue to make sure it's consistent with the show.

Will open again for reader postings on September 29th. Please follow all guidelines - and please, please, please DON'T FLOOD the queue. But please do post your responses to the comics that came out this summer when posting was not possible.

I think that about covers it.

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An Old Joke

Back in the old country, an old man limped into the Old Synagogue. Slowly, he lowered himself onto a bench and prayed to God. God, he said, you know I have led a very hard life. You know I was orphaned as a boy. You know I struggled all my life to make a living, and yet I did good works. I looked for love, but was never blessed with a family. Now, in my old age, I am racked with pain in my legs and back. Always, I have observed your commandments, your guidelines, everything. I came to minyan every morning, rain or shine, and though I prayed for peace and good will, I never asked for anything for myself. I have tried my best to lead a righteous life as one of your chosen. Now, as I near my final breath, I need something from you. I know it is wrong to ask, but I need some proof that there can be happiness, joy in this life. I ask you now, let me win the lottery. As you know all, you know there is a weekly lottery here in this old city, where a winner is chosen every Wednesday afternoon. Let me win, God, please. Let me experience that joy. I will not keep the money. I will make the entire prize a mitzvah to the poor and the hungry. But let me win the lottery, God, please.

And so a week passed, and Wednesday afternoon came, and the old man did not win the lottery. So Wednesday night, he returned to the Old Synagogue to lower his old body down on the old bench, and again he prayed. Please, God, he said, let me win the lottery. It is my only dream, my last dream, to feel that simple pleasure of a victory, of success. Not a single coin will I keep for myself, God. But please, oh, please, just this once, let me win the lottery.

And so a week passed, and Wednesday afternoon came, and the old man did not win the lottery. So that night, once again, he returned to pray. Please, God, he said, I am a desperate man. I cannot go to my end without this. Let me win the Lottery. And God spaketh onto the old man, and God said: "Listen, you old fart, meet me half way, buy a damn ticket!"

That's the story, as I've heard it, handed down over years and years.

But, of course, the story doesn't end there. For on the next Wednesday, first thing in the morning, the old man did indeed go to buy a ticket to the Lottery. And as he was shelling out his last coin for the price of the ticket, he heard the storekeeper chuckle and say, you old fools and your lottery tickets. Don't you know that you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than of winning the lottery. And as this seemed reasonable to the old man, he put his coin away.

That's the story.

But, of course, the story doesn't end there. That afternoon, the old man did not win the lottery. But he was struck by lightning.

That's the story.

But, of course, it doesn't end there.

The old man died and was sent to heaven, where he found God rather sheepishly apologizing for taking his life. God said, you just really frustrated the hell out of me. But at least you're here in heaven. To which the old man asked, Do you have a lottery?

And that, of course, is the end of the story.

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YOUNG JUSTICE Issue #19 out now!

Issue #19 of our companion YOUNG JUSTICE comic book has hit the stands - real and virtual. This concludes our two-part Gorilla City story, reveals the origins of Gorilla City and has just about every DC ape I could think of in it.

The cover's by our regular artist Chris Jones, and the interiors are by the talented Luciano Vecchio, who also drew issue 12 (one of my personal favorites). As for the writing, you're stuck with me. This is the last issue, before we transition in issue #20 from first season stories to our cast from Young Justice: Invasion.

Pick an issue up in digital form (https://read.dccomics.com/comixology/#/series/5348) or at your local comic shop (http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575)!

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Brandon Vietti, my producing partner on Young Justice, has blogged on our versions of the Hall of Justice and the Watchtower. Check it out here:


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Superboy & Miss Martian Action Figures Special Pre-Order Extended

The Superboy & Miss Martian Action Figures Special Pre-Order has been EXTENDED until the end of August!

Again, check out:


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I just got the word:

Hot Topic is selling Gargoyles t-shirts again.



God knows, I've got enough Gargoyles T-shirts to last months, but I'm going to buy another to demonstrate to Disney and it's licensees that the property is viable and popular.

At the very least, please help SPREAD THE WORD!

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Superboy & Miss Martian Action Figures Special Pre-Order

Superboy & Miss Martian Action Figures Special Pre-Order

Sorry about the VERY short notice, but this was only brought to my attention today.

As many of you know, Mattel has discontinued the Young Justice toy line, but there's an opportunity to complete your set of Season One Six Inch Figures.

Brandon talks about it on his blog: http://brandonvietti.blogspot.com/

And Mattel has a YouTube video about it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9bjRp0DVog&feature=player_embedded

But the key is to PRE-ORDER within the next 24 hours here:

I've ordered two sets myself. But I can't get 'em unless enough people join me in this obsession. So, uh... please?

(As a bonus, Miss Martian comes with an extra head, so that she can be Season One Miss Martian with longer hair, or Season Two Miss Martian with short hair.)

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SDCC 2012

Leaving in just a few hours for San Diego Comic-Con. Looking forward to a fun weekend with my kids and old friends. I'm doing a few signings too.

Thursday, July 12th from 12pm - 1pm - I'll be signing Young Justice comics and trades at the DC Comics Booth #1915.

Thursday, July 12th from 5:30pm - 7pm - I'll be signing Gargoyles comics and trades at the SLG Comics Booth #1815.

Friday, July 13th from 5:30pm - 7pm - I'll be signing Gargoyles comics and trades at the SLG Comics Booth #1815.

Saturday, July 14th from 9:30am - 10:30am, I'll be signing Mecha-Nation comics and trades at the APE Comics Booth #1804.

Saturday, July 14th from 1pm - 2pm - I'll be signing Young Justice comics and trades at the DC Comics Booth #1915.

Saturday, July 14th from 5:30pm - 6pm - I'll be signing Gargoyles comics and trades at the SLG Comics Booth #1815.

Autographs are free. So stop by and say hello!

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