A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Superboy & Miss Martian Action Figures Special Pre-Order
Sorry about the VERY short notice, but this was only brought to my attention today.
As many of you know, Mattel has discontinued the Young Justice toy line, but there's an opportunity to complete your set of Season One Six Inch Figures.
Brandon talks about it on his blog: http://brandonvietti.blogspot.com/
And Mattel has a YouTube video about it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9bjRp0DVog&feature=player_embedded
But the key is to PRE-ORDER within the next 24 hours here:
I've ordered two sets myself. But I can't get 'em unless enough people join me in this obsession. So, uh... please?
(As a bonus, Miss Martian comes with an extra head, so that she can be Season One Miss Martian with longer hair, or Season Two Miss Martian with short hair.)