A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg. Way back in mid-November, 2003 you came into the Comment Room and asked everyone to list the top five reasons they were (are) drawn to Gargoyles. You received replies from nearly 500 people. You gave us a great summary of our votes, but you never told us exactly why you needed this information. I know I wasn't the only one who thought you asked us pretty urgently. So my question is, why exactly did you want/need all that information? What did you use it for and/or what are you planning on using it for?
Yes, I'm still curious after four years... Thanks Greg.
It was a request from Buena Vista Home Entertainment. I'm not entirely sure WHY they needed it, honestly, but any request from them seemed (seems still) worth fulfilling as rapidly as possible. Normally, I'd guess they used it to evaluate a marketing plan, except.... WHAT MARKETING PLAN, right? I mean, WHAT MARKETING?
So who knows?