A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I have been picking up issues of Captain Atom recently. Nice writing from you and Cary. Just had two questions.
1. I do plan to pick up any available issues as I get the money to afford them. That said, are there any stories you'd recommend? So far for reference I have #1-32, 42-47 and Annual #1.
2. I read in your Captain Atom section that one of the stories you wrote for Captain Atom featured an appearance by Batman and Scarecrow. Which issue(s) did they appear in?
1. Well, I kinda like them all, so I'd recommend you pick up 33-41 and 48-50. As with Gargoyles, you get more out of the stories by reading them in order.
2. I'm afraid it's been so long that I can't remember. And I don't have the info here at the office. Sorry.
But know that I'm thrilled that Captain Atom's getting some attention. I'm very proud of Cary & my run on the book.