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I got a few about demona...
1- even though demona has had a hard long run at life, will she ever measure up to her mistakes? i mean a thousand years of repeating them is enough...and its kinda sad that she lost everything she everloved because of it.
2- isnt it kind of hypocritical that she hates humans because they hurt her kind so much...when she kinda sprung that when she herself hurt a human who was innocent due to what happened at the castle back then...thus creating the hunter. Will she realize how stupid that is...i know its unlikely but some ppl are bound to find things out eventually.
3- its very irksome how she's running away from her problems and blaming humans for stuff she caused...its like saying how one person in one country hits another person in another country and the person who got hit assumes instantly that everyone in the other country is as bad as the one who hit them and goes on a killing spree on people who didn't do anything with it. With this concept in mind...doesnt that make demona the most human like gargoyle of all? she's turned into the very thing she hates....
4- will demona and macbeth ever be free from that binding spell?
1. What's the question exactly?
2. Again, what's the question? Is she hypocritical? Yes, very much so.
3. Gotta say, these seem more like comments posing as questions. Which is fine. Next time just make comments.
4. I'm not revealing this at this time.