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Jeff writes...

Hey Greg!
Huge Spider-Man fan here! The episodes keep getting better and better. Any clues as to when the Big MJ reveal will be? In April? I am dying to get this series on DVD! The Sandman episode remains my favorite(so far) but I think I change my mind every Saturday. It had the right amount of crazy battle scenes and down to earth drama. Im not sure if you know this but will the series run through the summer or will they split up the season? In any event, I will be an avid watcher. One more SM question, Any plans for Pete to reveal his identity to anyone? I doubt you'll answer that, but I think it is what makes Ultimate Spider-man so fresh. (Not that I should compare the two, they are seperate but equal as far as Im concerned.) It would be so much easier for Pete to say "dont hate me Gwen/Liz/Harry/Connors/Brock...Im Spider-Man!" Which is the tragic situation and does make it interesting, I cant wait to see where the show goes and Im counting down til next week(6 days!)
I also read your comics, they are great stuff. I missed the cartoon because I havent had Toon Disney until recently(And they show Gargoyles at crazy times) but I am familiar with the story. However, I have never felt confused reading the comics, the characters have been captivating, regardless of their history. Keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

By now, you've met M.J.

The first season will air more or less continuously through the spring through the first 13 episodes, with a few weeks of reruns scattered in to give us some post-production breathing room. Not yet sure when the second season (also 13 episodes) will air, but definitely not this summer. They won't be ready in time.

I'm glad the comics are working for you. But you can also pick up the DVDs.

Response recorded on April 30, 2008