A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Another guess at the 14 clans...
1 - London
2 - Ishimura
3 - Guatemala
4 - Swains Island, Antarctica (A "nonexistant island" that they can't seem to get off the maps! Could it be that it is really there after all?)
5 - Xanadu, China
6 - New Olympus
7 - Loch Ness, Scotland
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan
10 - Labyrinth
11 - Caerleon, Wales
12 - Wyvern, Scotland
13 - Paris, France
14 - Nazca, Peru (The lines can only really be seen from the air, so it just makes sense to me to put a clan here to take advantage of the view)
Well, that's guess number 7 for me. More to come after I get the chance to do a little more research.
11 & 1/2 tyca