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a crack at the clan
I dont know if it is me, but from other posts, you first just added points up then said the full and halves...i have a question......lets say i said manhattan and new york...would that be one or one and a half....assuming that new york is in reference to the manhattan clan and not the labyrinth...for that matter if i said castle wyvern in scotland and it is wrong,,,would you be giving me half point, since there are living in castle wyvern in manhattan, you know xanatos's tower.Basically do you get credit for the same place twice???
ohh well if you can explain do please..
here is my guess:
1.Manhatten, USA
4.Paris, France
5.Ishimura, Japan
7.London, UK
8.New Olympus
9.Loch Ness, Scotland
10.Wyvern, Scotland
14.New Camelot made by king arthur after he awoke from avalon
I try not to give credit for the same place twice. But the guesses sometimes make it hard.
11 & 3/2 tyca