A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey, Greg.
Congratulations by Spider-Man! It's great, and I'm looking forward to more!
I'm writing this one to link everybody to IGN:
Season 1 review (they gave the show a 9, and the readers a 9.5!):
Greg's interview with Eric Goldman about what's next:
Oh, and while I'm on it:
1 - Working with Spider-Man is as intimidatingas it looks?
2 - Is it weird to work knowing that Season 2 WILL air, but don't knowing WHEN or WHERE?
3 - Had any writers or artists at Marvel ever talked to you about the series?
1. At times.
2. It has been, but I now know when AND where. The when is March 2009. The where is a secret for the time being -- though I don't understand why.
3. Craig Kyle.