A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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First off just letting you know I love your work and especially Gargoyles.
This is a two part question about the future of your Gargoyles comic. It seems that the latest news I've seen is dated in 2008 so I was wondering if there were any updates since then if SLG will be doing any further arcs, after the current one is finished in the graphic novel, or if you've found another property to publish them. Lastly, is there anyway to help you like someone at Disney the fans can write to so they won't be stingey with their liscense?
Trust me, if there's news I will post it here at ASK GREG. Right now, everything depends on the sales of the two trade paperbacks, due out this July and August.
And, no, I'm afraid I don't have a contact person for you to communicate with at Disney.