A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hello Greg!
Will you be doing audio commentaries for the season sets of Spectacular Spider-Man?
I have currently have the individual volumes and I have to say that the special features are very disappointing to say the least. Are you involved with the distribution of the DVD's at all? Do you know when fans can expect the sets to be released? I hear it might be this July.
It would also be fun if there was a sort of pop-up video or trivia special feature that tells you all the little references to the comics from each episode. I love how every little supporting character plays a part in this show and how they are all existing characters in the comic book world - even ones obscure as Sha Shan (I don't think anyone even realizes that she is an actual character in the comics!).
Also, will you be attending San Diego Comic Con this year?
I will be at San Diego Comic-Con, and we'll be having a Spider-Man panel on Sunday, July 26th at 10am in Room 6A. The panel includes me and...
Supervising Producer/Supervising Director Victor Cook;
Supervising Character Designer Sean "Cheeks" Galloway;
Josh Keaton, the voice of Spider-Man/Peter Parker;
Robert Englund, the voice Vulture/Adrian Toomes;
Kelly Hu, the voice of Sha Shan Nguyen...
I haven't done any audio commentaries yet, but I hope to. I'm not involved with the production of these DVDs, however.