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Josh Wright writes...

As a long-time fan of Gargoyles, I've often wondered why Disney seems to have left the property in the "scrap heap" as it were. It is truly the only half-hour Disney animated series that has been close to serious or has addressed real themes. In the late 90's, when the idea was being tossed around for a movie, I can almost understand why Disney wouldn't have wanted to pursue it. At that point, Disney had never even approached the idea of doing a PG-13 film (as a Gargoyles film would almost have to be PG-13). Plus, the effects may not have been up to par to do the clan justice.

Now, however, after the success of the Pirates franchise, I can't imagine why Disney wouldn't want to pursue this concept in film form. They've proven they can handle a PG-13 film. Also, through the effects used to bring Davy Jones to life, they've proven that bringing Goliath and co. to life would not be that difficult. In this day and age, there doesn't seem to be any good reason why Disney wouldn't want to bring Gargoyles to the big screen.

Ultimately, my question is: Has anyone at Disney given you anything close to an explanation as to why they aren't pushing the property further?

Greg responds...

Not really, but I think the answers are fairly obvious.

First, the NOSTALGIA PERISCOPE is still firmly fixed on the 1980s, with cartoons like Transformers and G.I. Joe becoming big movies. Give us eight to ten years and the periscope will have moved on to the 90s. Maybe then...

Second, if we're being honest, the property never did BLOCKBUSTER business. So there's no huge incentive to trot it out early, i.e. ahead of the periscope.

Response recorded on July 29, 2009