A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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"Vic Cook and I will be signing promotional postcards and talking about MECHA-NATION, our new comic book series (with Greg Guler and Antonio Campo). This was a project that was seen at a couple of Gatherings and was previously announced with SLG. Unfortunately, SLG had to bail, but the good folks at APE scooped it up. "
Hi Greg,
I realize that SLG has been good to the Gargoyles fandom, and that you seem to have a great working partnership with them. That said, while I don't want to disrespect SLG or anything like that, if they can't make continuing Gargoyles financially feasible, is there any chance that the comics might be able to continue at APE?
I don't know if Ape is interested, but I KNOW SLG is. So what's the point of jumping ship -- even hypothetically -- now?