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You have a strong Shakespearian background, so hopefully you'll see where I'm going here. About Romeo and Juliet, there is discussion as to whether it is a tragedy of character or situation. That is, was the tragedy the circumstances in which the titular character found themselves caught in, or was it the characters' own folly in their youthful rush for love (seemingly damn the consequences)?
A similar argument could be made about Spidey. Although Spider-Man is the iconic hero, the story is largely the tragedy of Peter Parker. Over and over through the decades the fabled Parker Luck (though I don't think you use the phrase in your show) has always been there, overshadowing Spidey victories with Parkers personal woes (be they emotional, social or something more serious). How would characterize the situation? Is the Parker Luck a product of Pete's own foibles or is it more entwined with his surrounding circumstances?
My thinking is more... holistic than an either/or answer can provide. We act, we react, etc. to varying stimuli -- some in our control and/or range of influence, some completely outside it. And then all that gets mixed together. We blame ourselves for things we can't control. We shift blame for things we might have. And everything in between. That's how I view life: as a mess, basically. So when I read about either Romeo & Juliet or Spidey/Peter my thinking runs the same way. Not either/or but characters (hopefully recognizably HUMAN characters) struggling to make sense of the mess.