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:Spidey Spoilers:
1. Spectacular has a very large cast. Was there any particular character you had an especially hard time casting?
2. During the Gargoyles World Tour arc you introduced a lot of characters on the off chance they may get their own spin off series. If you could make a spin off from Spectacular Spider-man starring any character you wanted who would it be?
3. There are a lot of nameless extras in Spider-man and many characters with little to no dialogue. Is there any one person who has received way more fan attention than you expected for their almost microscopic role? I am personally a huge fan of Hammerhead's car door. That thing KO'd both the Green Goblin AND Silver Sable. At this rate by season 4 it'll be single-handedly defeating Galactus.
4. This is probably better suited for Stan to answer but I'm sure you've considered it at some point. What exactly does Pete wear on his feet underneath his spider-onsie? Shoes? Really thick socks? Is he barefoot when he takes off his suit? Exactly how much danger are his feet in when he runs around New York city?
5. Some of the villains in Spidey's rouges gallery have some origin stories that not only spit in the face of science but beat it up with a large blunt object. Is there any villain that made you say "okay, there is no way anybody in this day and age is going to believe that is even close to possible. We need to make this slightly more realistic"?
6. "Who ordered the chopper?'
"Oscorp kinda thinks you did."
"Where's the pilot?"
"You're the one who insisted I get my pilot's licence."
"But how did the chopper get all the way here from Oscorp with no one flying it?"
"I don't know dad. Maybe you should ask Greg Weisman."
7. In episode one there was indication that Octavius and Toomes knew each other for quite a while before the series began. Any other sciency type people know each other? Did Otto ever bump into the Connors at a science convention or something or both get invited to the Osborn's for dinner one evening?
8. Back in Persona Chameleon spoke on the phone with a (possibly Russian) general who wanted the symbiote. Do you ever plan to reveal his identity or was he created solely to give Chameleon a reason to be there that night? Cat was also trying to steal the symbiote for a "captain of industry" and dialogue from the opening of Accomplices suggests it may have been Tombstone; though Osborn is another likely candidate. So, who was it? Or is that classified info that would spoil the surprise later?
9. Did Norman ever take any theatre courses in high school? Acting like a nut while in the Goblin costume helps divert suspicion away from the dower Osborn; when people are there to see him act crazy. But quoting a Midsummer Night's Dream and speaking in nothing but rhyme while hundreds of feet in the air with no witnesses? Obviously he's just doing that for fun. Or he's in denial about the gas not having any side effets.
Back in the 90's Spider-man series that aired on Fox Spidey would occasionally hang out with a (always stone) gargoyle named Bruce whom he claimed was a "great listener" and to whom he would confess his frustrations at leading a double-life. Now, 15 years later you're head of the newest Spider-man show. Funny little coincidence that. And ya know if you ever need Pete to verbally express his frustrations to someone who won't reveal his identity to the general public, well I wouldn't mind seeing Bruce again. Plus the guy can totally keep a secret.
1. Nope.
2. The Homunculi.
3. No surprises for me.
4. He wears boots with soles. They're on the softer side, but he's tough.
5. Shrug. We do our best to adjust as we go. You could argue that about most of the characters, including Spidey himself.
6. It was dropped off, and the pilot left. I mean, really, that required a trip to ASK GREG to figure THAT out?
7. Shrug.
8. No comment.
9. A little from Column A. A little from Column B.
10. That would be a bit odd coming from me, I think. But I won't rule it out.