A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi, Greg! Just a few more questions for you, if that's OK:
1) How did Beck and Mason escape from police custody after being apprehended in "Persona"?
2) Kraven acquired the ability to track Spidey's scent in "Destructive Testing" and told Miles Warren that he could smell Spidey's scent in the ESU lab. Why didn't Miles put two and two together?
3) By tracking Spidey's scent, Kraven could ambush him again in no time. So why hasn't he sought out Spidey since their last encounter on Christmas Eve?
4) In "Opening Night", the Green Goblin quoted A Midsummer Night's Dream by saying, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!". But how does he know the line, since it turns out that he's not Harry?
5) Will Peter ever feel guilty about Eddie's transformation into Venom or Norman's apparent demise at the end of season 2?
1. That was revealed in a scene cut for time that we showed at the 2009 Comic-Con in San Diego. They used holograms to escape prison.
2. Who said he didn't?
3. Other things keeping him busy.
4. It's a pretty famous line.
5. He already does.