A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hello! I haven't posted anything to "Ask Greg" in quite some time, although I do enjoy reading responses.
I just got through reading the trades for the hundredth time (in only four days mind you.)
Sooooo.... How could you so this to us?! Shame on you!!!
The trades were the hight of awesomness, and worth ever second of wait time, but you ended both books on such cliff-hangers! Not really, but... Brooklyn et. al show up at the end of CBV2, the Redemption Squad doesn't complete their objective... leaving the door open for more... I mean, I want to see more! I turn the page and there isn't another page! It's really a big tease, to me at least.
I know it will be a long time before/if we get anything new, and I know how hard you worked just to get out what we have, so I will not complain but rather (how can I compliament you without gushing too much?) praise you magnificent job on all three trades and 12 comics.
I wanted you to know that I (and probably many, many, many others are ecstatic with the trades and the job done by all.
Thank you!
Leaving you wanting more is the goal of most artists.