A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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You've established that you mentally cast actors for some of the new characters in the Gargoyles comics, such as Quincy Hemmings played by Morgan Freeman (or someone who can sound like him i.e. Kevin Michael Richardson). Anyway, do you have any voices in mind for some of the Illuminati figures (Percival, Duval, Shari, et al.)? What about Katana and Tachi and some of the characters from the Phoenix Gate arc?
Generally, I don't "cast" until the characters have actual speaking parts. So neither Katana nor Tachi have been cast yet.
As I believe I've mentioned, Peredur "is" Jude Law, and Shari "is" Zehra Fazal, who played her in the Radio Play this past summer.
Duval "is" Eddie Marsan.