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Ian Perez writes...

Second question--and given the snafu with the last one, the first one with my name...

Upon first reading "Bad Guys #4", I was rather surprised to see Dingo acting so forcefully in order to prevent Yama from killing Fang in righteous rage. I know acts like that are standard behavior for heroic characters, and that the point of the series is to feature the transtion of these no-longer-villains into actual heroes, but I wouldn't have thought that Dingo was at the "revenge killing is bad and must be stopped" phase yet, particularly given his past as a mercenary--until the moment occured, I would have thought that his reaction would have been to think "good riddance to bad rubbish".

So to sum up all this in the form of a question: why do you feel Dingo was so adamant in preventing Yama from killing Fang?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure adamant is the word. He just didn't think Fang was worth it. And I think Dingo had already gotten on board with the general "Thou Shalt Not Kill" thing. Even before Hunter co-opted him into her fight.

Response recorded on August 05, 2010