A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I have two questions on Green Arrow in Young Justice:
1, I noticed that you went with the Green Arrow look with the hood from the Mike Grell series. I always liked that look . I also believe he was using a long bow. What made you decide on the hooded look?
2, I've recently read Green Arrow: The Long Bow Hunters and the first for issues of GA's first series. Have you read Mike Grell's GA comics and what did you think of them?
1. It looked cool and provided us with a nice contrast from Speedy's hat.
2. I didn't read them. I'm sure it sounds petty, but Grell's G.A. was the reason my Black Canary mini-series never went forward. So there seemed no upside to me reading them. If they were great, I'd be envious. If they were awful, I'd be frustrated. (Yes, I'm a heavily flawed individual, but at least I admit it.)