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The Phoenix Gate

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg.
A couple of Coldhearted questions:
I noticed Aquaman and Aqualad seemed to have little protection from the cold compared to the members of the Team. Was this a deliberate choice to show that they and other Atlanteans have a resilience to cold temperatures?

It was implied that the Zeta tube system could reach Seattle if it was active. Just how widespread is the system? Does it focus on the home cities of League and Team members, and other large American cities? Can it reach large foreign cities?

So far we have seen stealth outfits and arctic outfits. Will we see other alternate
uniforms as the series progresses?

Compliments on another great episode.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. The network includes most major cities in the U.S. and scattered cities throughout the world.


Response recorded on May 16, 2012