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Janelle writes...

It's so unfair (and frustrating) that other countries aired new episodes before the U.S. does. All the same, I've still been watching the leaked episodes online in Turkish and Portuguese with the occasional fan letting me in on a translation. So I've had some hope in all of this. I know you can't control it, but how do you feel about it all? And, also, thank you in advance for your time!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Personally, I think it's bad enough folks are spoiling things FOR THEMSELVES, when they will soon be able to see the episodes in English and at a decent quality within a matter of a few short weeks. (And the blame-Cartoon-Network excuse holds ZERO water for me, as these people are still CHOOSING to view episodes ahead of schedule. No one is holding a gun to their heads.) But the fact that they are spoiling things for folks who are trying NOT to get spoiled is just outrageously obnoxious."

[Response recorded on March 19, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 19, 2012