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The Phoenix Gate

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Young Justice Fan writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman! I love Young Justice. Absolutely fantastic show. The plot is so thick and intricate -- amazing for a literary junkie like myself!

I was wondering how far in advance you guys have the show planned? For example, when you and Mr. Vietti and Mr. Hopps and the other fabulous writers sat down to plot out Season 1, how much of Season 2 was clear for you guys? How much of a potential Season 3? No spoilers needed -- just a general question.

Thank you so much for your wonderful work and willingness to answer fan questions!

Greg responds...

While developing Season One, we had a solid idea of what we had in mind for Season Two - including the time skip. And we had/have solid ideas for Season Three, including another time skip.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012