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Xavier writes...

1)Just out of plain curiosity, why did Angela have the get "involved" with any one of trio? Did you ever consider just having her go with nobody? She just seemed to me as somone who was more interested in having family relationships with her parents versus a romantic one.

2)This may answer my first question, but in regards to having Angela go with Broadway, did you do it to set a good example for children? I mean,Broadway didn't exactly have the charm of a knight in shinning armor,and he was also fat which would have taught kids that "looks are not important,it's what's inside" So again,it makes sence and I was just wondering if that's why you decided to do it.Thank You!

Greg responds...

1. She didn't "have to" (I assumed you meant "have to" and not "have the"). But she seemed to me to be a young blossoming woman-garg, who might eventually be interested in both familial and romantic ties.

2. I wasn't unaware of potential lessons, I guess. But the answer is no. We did it because it seemed right. Gary Sperling and I sat down while working on "Turf". I felt that it was important that Turf not reveal a choice for Angela, but rather her independence. But I also felt it was important for us to know who (if anyone) she was going to wind up with. Brooklyn was in many ways an obvious choice, but as we discussed it, it soon became clear that they were a bad match. That she was just another pretty face for Brooklyn to get a crush on. But that Broadway, the sensitive, intuitive soul, would appeal to something deep inside her. And she to him, as well.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001