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Jack-Pumpkinnhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Took me a day to catch the new episode of YJ, and I gotta say that was good! First off, I loved the interaction between Red Arrow & Roy/Arsenal. It felt natural, very cool. Second, I like how he got the arm and the Arsenal name, it's very clea he's not RA. And I gotta say, I loved Captain Cold crashing the bachelorette party of supergirls. That was hilarious. And finally, it's creepy, I was just thinking about whether or not Jason existed in YJ's world and ,without checking the site beforehand, you decide to answer it like that? AWESOME! Also, loved Impulse and Jaime's interaction, very cool. My only concern is, I'm starting to worry for Garth. I hope he survives everyone finding out he's a mole. Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

Garth's a mold?!

Response recorded on November 28, 2012