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anonymous writes...

A few questions about Artemis and Icicle Jr(Cameron) on Young Justice
1)a)Does Artemis still like Icicle Junior (as a friend)? since they used to be friends and b)does he still like her? OR c) do they despise each other now in season 2?
2)What kind of relationship do they have?
3) Have they ever spoken to each other as friends again since the time they saw each other when Artemis was "arrested" ?
4)a)Does Cameron know that Artemis died? b)How does he feel about it?
5) Did Cameron ever find out about Artemis being a hero?

Greg responds...

1a. Still? You're assuming she ever liked him. I won't confirm or deny that assumption.

1b. I'm sure he's still attracted to her.

1c. Despise is such a strong word.

2. You're assuming they have ANY relationship. I won't confirm or deny that assumption.

3. Ever? I guess so.

4a. Probably.

4b. Probably thinks it's a waste.

5. Ultimately, yes.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013