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jS-2814 writes...

How was Roy able to fight Mercy-a cyborg so evenly in Satisfaction-despite missing an arm and only recently being unfrozen after 8 years of stasis, did the cryogenics keep him in the physically fit condition he was frozen in?
2-Why did Cadmus have to cut his whole arm of?-I get they were perfecting the cloning process but even a few cells have billions of DNA strands they could have used.
3-I'm curious Black Beetle comes of as an arrogant,smug jerk with contempt for "meat" so why did he save Shimmer?

Greg responds...

1. You saw what you saw. If it doesn't work for you, I'm not sure what to tell you.


3. Shimmer was on his team. Why wouldn't he save her?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013