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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In a prior posting I had mentioned stuff about the New Gods in the New 52; I'm hoping you were able to read that one first.

In this link below,…


…there was a piece of information that explains how Darkseid's invasion in the mainstream DC universe potentially affects the entire post-Flahspoint DC multiverse in general. I know that it may appear that it is not much information to go on, but I though that I should share this with you. It may potentially have some effect on Earth-16 (based on what is implied) or it may not… Regardless, I hope this information proves helpful in some way to whatever happens in the world of Young Justice.

Thanks again,

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"You know, I appreciate the thought, but I DON'T need to know any of this. Earth-16 is NOT in continuity with the New 52. That's NOT a value judgement. It's just a hard fact of when we began and completed production."

[Response recorded on February 26, 2013.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013