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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

Here are soem questions that I wanted to ask you in regards to Deathstroke.

1. I'm going to guess it's a no-brainer that Deathstroke's real name is Slade Wilson. That said, has he served in the U.S. military on Earth-16, and if so, what is his rank (being that it varies in various media that shows his character)?

2. If I remember correctly, one of Deathstroke's unique abilities in the comics was being able to use 90% of his brainpower (in comparison to the rest of humanity, who can only use 10%). Does this hold true on Earth-16 as well?

3. In the comics (specifically pre-Flashpoint), Nightwing was Deathstroke's nemesis and Green Arrow caused the loss of Deathstroke's right eye. On Earth-16, did this version Deathstroke have that same connection with the Earth-16 versions of Green Arrow and Nightwing, or did things happened differently?

4. What weapons and martial arts would you say Deathstroke is most proficient in?

5. Is there anything you can share about Deathstroke's family on Earth-16?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

1. His name is Slade Wilson. Everything else you're asking is a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

2. No. Because that notion that human beings only use ten percent of their brains was always baloney. It's an urban myth and just flat-out untrue. So Deathstroke may have found a way to utilize his brain more efficiently, but I'm not going to base a super-power on science that starts out bad in the first place.


4. All of them. (Or what you see is what you get. Whichever answer you prefer.)

5. Yes. But can and will are two different things. SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013