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Hey Greg. Adore your shows to an insane degrees! Got questions regarding my man Superboy
1. Since he doesn't age physically but internally, mentally is superboy still 16 as originally programmed or does he consider himself 22?
2. Since wondergirl was introduced late, and it would be kind of creepy for him to date her like in the comic books, what's their relationship like?3. Did superman finding out about connors other father, Lex, present a setback to their growing relationship? Or make it even more awkward?
4. Do the gloves have enhancing qualities( tech, comunication output, forged from something harder than kryptonian skin) or just look cool?
Much thanks. Pretty sure a good chunk of these fall under spoilers but thanks for just presenting the opportunity to ask. If Invasion is our last hurrah than can't wait for the next universe you take us to. Thankyou
1. I don't think he's very clear in his own head how old he is or is supposed to be. He thinks of himself as six, most of the time, because, well, he is. But he also thinks of himself as an adult. And he thinks of himself, still, as not fully... "realized".
2. What you see is what you get - at least until we have the chance to make more.
3. I think it was a momentary speedbump, but I also think that once Clark made the decision to be Conner's brother, it was fairly smooth sailing.
4. Probably just the latter.
Next universe seems to be STAR WARS REBELS. But Invasion's not YJ's last hurrah. Check out Young Justice Legacy this November.