A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1. When Black Lightning generates electricity why is it that the lightning is sometimes black when other times it is blue?
2. Does Sportsmaster have superhuman attributes or is he just incredibly fit for someone his age?
3. How many Lords/Ladies of Order and Chaos are there on Earth 16?
4. What are the different functions of Robin's circular Birdarangs and the ones that are similar in appearance to Batarangs?
5. Do Black Manta's missile launchers have different functions when they are on different shoulders?
1. It's blue-black in color - with a yellow rimlight - so it depends on the ambient lighting of the scene.
2. The latter.
4. They have much in common, actually. But obviously batarangs are larger and have more mass, so are capable of a greater impact. In addition, some birdarangs have explosive and other capabilities.
5. Um... I'm gonna say no. For now, at least.