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Josh Goldberg writes...

Can Demona get pregnant by a human at anytime? That is, is she fertile as a human at the same times as she is fertile as a gargoyle, or is she fertile like a regular human? What's Demona's fertility cycle as human and garg? (Garg's are only fertile every ten garg years, right?)

Greg responds...

Garg's are only fertile every TWENTY years.

Human females, or so I understand it, are generally VERY fertile one week a month. Potentially fertile the week to either side. And even possibly fertile at all times. At any rate, it's sure as hell safer to think that way.

Demona is a human when she's human. A garg when she's a garg. But she's extremely unlikely to get pregnant at any time. Cuz she's Demona.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001