A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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First of all, Thank you. Young Justice gave me hope that there are still quality "kid's shows" being created. Second, Gargoyles was one of my top five shows as a kid (And I just today learned that you're responsible for both, so thanks for that too).
Now for the main reason I'm questioning you: I've finishing up a Master's degree now and will hopefully be teaching come September. Would it bother you if I made it a goal of mine to use Young Justice in a classroom setting? I feel like the show has so much potential for talking about social justice and frankly teaching analytical skills, prediction, characterization...basically I want to use Young Justice as a teaching tool because it was such a richly created world. And the truth is, I would like your blessing to pursue this goal.
P.S. Your snark, it is amazing.
I actually think Gargoyles might serve your needs better, but YJ would be very cool too.
So you absolutely have my blessing. Keep me posted on how it goes.