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In Young Justice: Legacy,
1) Who voiced Bumblebee in place of Masasa Moyo?
2) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did Jeff Bennett voice?
2) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did Vanessa Marshall voice?
3) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did Jeff Bennett voice?
4) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did you voice?
5) What's one moderate-major thing you changed in the script?
1-4. Again, I don't have that info with me at the moment. And I don't trust my memory.
5. I don't know that there was anything major in the script. I did a pass on all the dialogue, so that hopefully it sounded spot on to our characters. And Brandon and I both worked the story with Little Orbit before they got to script. We wanted, for example, to make sure that the Light's plan made sense, given their objectives. And, of course, we wanted to make sure that the correct Team members, given the time period, were present or accounted for, and that no one who shouldn't be there was - except as bonus fun DLCs.