A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Are any of your Young Justice, Spider-Man, or Gargoyles scripts available online? I attend an Animation Writers group in Burbank, and the guest speaker showed one of your scripts as an example. It was a revelation. I've never seen sound effects used as action before. Every line had momentum, the script read was super clean and efficient.
Since then, I've been emailing everywhere to obtain a copy, I had to go to the WGA to read one of your YJ scripts, which again, was incredibly helpful. You noted where every SFX goes, how man characters speak, and to my surprise, people rarely had over two lines of dialogue at any given time. Everything was TIGHT, and was something I really want to study. Even the formatting.
Obviously, I couldn't copy anything from the WGA, and there's NO trace of your work anywhere online. How can I get a copy of a script? Even just the first act would be helpful. Would you consider putting a .pdf online via your website? I have read other books on animation writing, but your script was a big jump for me.
I don't have the capability of posting a script here in the correct format.
Are you able to come to any of my many convention appearances or signings this summer? I have in the past sold signed copies for fairly reasonable prices. I wasn't planning on bringing any this year, as my focus is on selling my books, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM. But if I know there's an interest, I can bring some scripts too.
Among the conventions I know I'm attending:
Denver Comic Con http://denvercomiccon.com/
CONvergence (Minneapolis) http://www.convergence-con.org/
San Diego Comic Con International http://www.comic-con.org/cci
MechaCon (New Orleans) http://www.mechacon.com/
Long Beach Comic Con http://longbeachcomiccon.com/lbcc.php
Responding here isn't practical, however. But if you contact me, via Twitter at @Greg_Weisman, we can make arrangements. And if other followers are interested in purchasing scripts too, I'm game. Let me know.