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Raphael writes...

Is there a viewing order for Gargoyles that differs from the airing order?
You said that the airing order hadn't aired a single episode out of order in a quote here:
But I believe that was before season 2 was finished.
I'm just about to start season 2 and wanted to clarify this before I got too far in.

Thanks! And I should have another question on a completely different topic in a couple of minutes.

Greg responds...

Well, by now, you've probably viewed everything. (In any case, I hope you haven't been waiting six months for this response, as there are many other resources where this information is available.)

A couple episodes did air out of order the first time through. But the DVDs are all in the correct order.

The correct airing order is available at http://gargwiki.net/Episode_Guide.

Response recorded on September 24, 2014