A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hello, Mr. Weisman! I'm a long-time fan and started watching Gargoyles almost as soon as it came on air. Now that I'm in my twenties, I still go back and rewatch it every now and again. I've spread it to my boyfriend and our very close friend and they have both become immense fans like myself. I'm not a very wealthy person but I am trying to save up my money to buy not only the DVDs but the comics as well.
So...a few questions, if you don't mind and I'm sorry if I offend you with any (keeping in mind that I haven't been fortunate enough to read the comics).
1) Will the gargoyles ever be able to integrate themselves into human society successfully?
2) With such a low population (compared to humans, I mean), will the Gargoyles ever be acceptable as human companions (as its widely recognized that Elisa and Goliath have a "thing")?
3) Is the TimeDancer series featuring Brooklyn canonical? I'm a huge Brooklyn fangirl and while it makes me sad that he is, ahem, now "off the market", if you will. (I'm sorry, he was a cartoon crush as a kid)
Whether this gets to you or not, I'm sincerely happy that you worked on the Gargoyles series and that you've opened up this "ask a question". It really warms my heart to know that you care about your fans that much!
And I wish could give you and Brooklyn both hugs! Thank you again!
1. No spoilers.
2. No spoilers.
3. All that's been published is canonical.
And thanks for the metaphorical hugs!