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Jane writes...

This might be a totally silly thing to ask, but it occurred to me today and has been bothering me...

If Nabu refuses to let Zatara remove the helmet of fate because he's afraid that neither Zatara nor anyone else would put it back on again, then how in the world does Zatara eat? There's no way to access his mouth with that helmet on 24/7. Does the host of Nabu no longer need to eat? And I'm not trying to be facetious, I'm 100% serious with this question. Like, in season two, Zatara has been Doctor Fate for over five years. Surely he's eaten something in that time? Or is his body sustained through magical means? Thanks for taking the time to answer all these questions!

Greg responds...

Is Zatara still Doctor Fate in Season Two? What's your evidence for this?

In any case, I'm sure magic is useful for eating, bathing, etc.

Response recorded on August 05, 2016