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Hey Greg, in the Young Justice DC Universe, is there an in-universe explanation as to why the humanoid form is a very prevalent anatomical structure in many known sentient alien races? From the Rannians to Kryptonians, Thanagarians, The Reach, Kroloteans, Kylstar, Maxima, and the New Gods. Even the Tribune of Rimbor and Despero's build suggest humanoid appearance.
I hope I don't come off as critical of the show's character designs. Obviously animators and designers can only do so much in artistic license (it'd be a very tedious process to sort through the plethora of different xenobiology suggestions only to animate them for a few minutes). As well as the fact that these alien species have already been designed from the comic source material.
But I'm mainly asking if there happens to be an in-universe speculation/explanation to this humanoid build being common amongst alien species.
Convergent Evolution.