A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hello, hope you are doing well congratulations on Young Justice Outsiders and hopefully by the time you get this it will be renewed for a fourth season. My question has to due with the Gargoyles version of Arthur and cast. I was wondering what the ages of Gwenyvere Lancelot, Morgause, Morgana and Nimue were. I understand if you don't want to do the math for the exact dates for them but if Arthur was eighteen, what would the other's age range be compared to him? I tried to look it up myself but the myths so convoluted I could not make heads or tails of it.
It took a whole other year from when you posted this question for us to be picked up for a Season Four.
Anyway, the Gargoyles Universe Arthur Pendragon was born in 485. Every other character that you named amounts to a spoiler.