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Wells writes...

1. Given that Terra betraying the team is a well-known trope, were you determined to have Terra turn away from Deathsttroke in the ends, or were there other ideas where she still went dar?
2. Were you ever tempted to have Terra actually kill Beast Boy like Deathstroke told her to?
3. In your mind, did Brion take Terra's place in your version of the Judas Contract story.

Greg responds...

1. Behind the scenes, I suppose lots of things may have been considered, but it was a long time ago, and we pretty much had the basic storyline in mind more-or-less from the start.

2. I don't think we ever considered killing Beast Boy then and there.

3. I'm not so in love with the necessity to viewing things in such a one-to-one schematic way. We weren't really doing much of an adaptation of Judas Contract. Not very many elements from that particular storyline were particularly present. We were doing an adaptation of a character, i.e. Terra, who happened to be introduced in that memorable New Teen Titans arc. But saying that Geo-Force took Terra's place is both accurate on one level and dead wrong on another. All depends how you define your terms, I suppose.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021