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I finished reading "War of the Spark: Forsaken" today.
While "Magic: the Gathering" is still a "foreign country" to me, I rather liked this book. I got a few big surprises out of it (such as the revelation about Mistress Blaise near the end), and was also amused to note the "lettered plans" gag (evocative of "Eye of the Beholder") and another use of the "Reason not the need" line from "King Lear". Plus a battle with gargoyles in a room filled with clockwork (even if it probably wasn't a clock tower). But the part that most stood out to me was the book opening with an Epilogue and ending with a Prologue. It felt almost as if it was living backwards, like T. H. White's Merlyn.
I became particularly fond of "Rat", whom I understand was your creation instead of a pre-existing figure.
Glad you liked it. The idea was for it to work for folks who had no background in Magic: the Gathering. And I'm particularly fond of Rat, as well. Or, you know, VERY FOND of Rat.