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Hi Greg. There are a few things related to the anti-life equation that I am still unclear on following season three.
1)What was the original purpose of Granny's machine? I ask because it seems to me the only thing it was good for was inflicting pain - without Halo to provide the anti-life equation.
2)I'm still not sure how Halo = the anti-life equation. Could you please try to explain it to me?
3)Thank-you for treating Kirby's anti-life equation seriously. In Kirby's fourth world mythology, the equation was something very specific. Some other depictions depict it very vaguely. You didn't. You did your homework. Thanks.
4)What did you think of the Hunger Dogs as an ending to Jack's Fourth World saga?
5)How are you?
1. It created the ability to spread the Ghost Dimension ad infinitum.
2. Halo does not equal the anti-life equation. She's part of its mathematical formula. Watch the episode again. Granny spells it out mathematically with a lot of clarity.
3. We try.
4. I try to avoid offering up those kinds of reviews on DC Comics stuff, as I don't want people to tie my opinions to what may or may not happen on Young Justice.
5. Can't complain. (I mean I do complain all the time, but really I shouldn't.) I'm employed (at least through early November), and everyone in my family is healthy. So, really, I'm doing great. Thank you.