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The Phoenix Gate

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Yjaddict writes...

There is something that I find interesting at the end of season 2 Aqualad and the team derailed Vandal's plan or rather it went slightly of course now reach had hidden bombs on earth, Now while Light and Lex had the foresight to develop anti reach software was the light aware of the final disruptor in the top North Magnetic Pole, cause it seems just too big of a gamble to rely on 3 flashes one of them who is from the future to stop this disruptor. Does that mean if the Flashes hadn't stopped the disruptor the earth would have been destroyed and Light would have failed or did they have a backup plan in case of heroes failing too. So basically what I am asking light does not have backup plans for every scenario or not. Cause if this is so then Vandal and the Light nearly lost because of their overconfidence in not estimating the threat that the heroes pose.

Greg responds...

The Light was not aware of it, no. And, no, the Light can't possibly anticipate EVERY possible contingency. I'm sure they had some kind of emergency procedure if they believed Earth flat out couldn't be saved, but that's a last resort of course.

Response recorded on November 10, 2021