A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1. How rich is Oliver Queen after losing his fortune on Earth 16? Heâs got to have a lot of money to maintain a number of equipment stashes in Star City (and abroad), as well as to pay for his and presumably Arsenals and Arrowettes arrows and other weapons.
2. Does Ollie still drive that hybrid car from the Green Arrow short?
2a. Is it the same car that we saw Artemis driving in Tale of Two Sisters?
3. What is Ollie and Dinahs relationship like right now?
1. He's not at all rich. I'd put him in the lower middle class, if such a thing exists anymore. He makes a decent living, and has some legacy property from when he was rich. He doesn't have to pay for Arsenal's weaponry. Arsenal's trust fund does that. I'm not even sure he pays for Arrowette's arrows. But maybe. Haven't thought about it.
2. Not confirming or denying that the hybrid car is in YJ continuity.
2a. No.
3. Strong, overall. They have bumps. But they generally get past them.