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Airwalker writes...

How would you deal with the time gap that cancellation has given us?

(Let's say that the show came back after 5 years of cancellation, in 2002, would you start off in 2002 or would you pick up right where TGC left off in 1997 or would you just be in favor of skipping all of those problems and just going far enough in the future, 2158, so that a time gap wouldn't matter?)

Greg responds...

Honestly, I can't answer that without knowing the circumstances of our proposed ressurection.

Are we coming back on TV or in some form of print media or both?

If TV: Are we coming back as an hour show or a half-hour again? Are we coming back as a daily or weekly? As prime time or in kids?

To take your specific example, lets say we came back in 2002 as a kid's show. I'd probably just set things in 2002, and assume that most of my audience hasn't seen any of the old episodes. I would maintain continuity for my old audience, but I would clearly have to introduce the show and its characters anew. Some things would seem to pick up right where we left off. Others would be different, and we'd occasionally do flashback stories (both from the distant past and from the 1997-2002 gap) to bring both audiences up to speed.

Also keep in mind that although I had planned to do, for example, TimeDancer in 1996, I didn't get to. So there's nothing to stop me from introducing TimeDancer as a brand new concept in 2002.

As to doing 2158. I'd be happy to do that anytime. But it doesn't prevent or preclude me from doing stories in the present. In fact, I'd love to do BOTH.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999